A doggy dog world would be so nice.
Every day expressions that people use incorrectly.
I don't know why I'm up. I was warmish, uncomfortable, my shoulder hurt.
Time to get up!
Now it's time to see what you all have been up to.
Lookit that! It's a stinkin' hot mid-July miracle! Both cats are in the bay window. Together! #NotGrowling #GrandcatGasper on the left and #NickieTheCat on the right.
Dam failure. Flood evacuation.
Nashville, Illinois
"Secondary Dam Failure, area has been overtopped with flood waters, please evacuate if you are in the below shaded area!
"Attention The Failure of the Nashville dam is imminent. Please evacuate your home at this time. If you are in the grey box, you need evacuate now!"
Political violence is unacceptable! Except for ...
Well, anything the Republicans want to make an exception for, apparently.
Right at this moment, the humidity💦 isn't too bad. It was awful earlier today. But I went out to add more water to the birdbath, and it was like opening the oven door after cooking a roast. There was a hot breeze.
My dog Jessie had only been outside a few minutes. I told her to get her fuzzy ass back in the house. We can go play outside when the sun goes down. The other dog, Granddog Mabel, doesn't even want to go outside. In this instance, Mabel's smarter than the Border Collie. 😅
Rickie Bansbach
I've turned into a freakin' socialist. But with ordnance. #151484