Texas Congressman @jamestalarico
A Christian who's actually read the Bible and is a follower of Christ. #religion
I took this photo a few days ago. These are the only volunteers I got from the #Nasturtiums and the #Zinnias that I planted last year. I expected a lot more. At least I got these, and they're in my favorite color combination: blazing bright #orange and brilliant #fuchsia. I really dig #pinkandorange #flowers.
It suddenly got dark out there. ☁️ But no rain. Yet. Hear thunder in the distance.
I can subscribe to this theory.
#politics #USpolitics #DonOLDtrump #trumpshooting #trump #fate #unravelingthetimeline #theory #TheTimelineHasBeenAltered
Rickie Bansbach
I've turned into a freakin' socialist. But with ordnance. #151484