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VOTE tomorrow, like the past still depends on us to be their future!

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If the Firehose is too much, you can unpin it.

If a hashtag, word or phrase is annoying you, filter it.

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The tools are available for you to combine in your own way and make COSO your unique experience.


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A *super* prestigious physicist emailed me to let me know he mentioned my book on Falling Felines and Fundamental Physics in a talk he gave recently. 🥰

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@GayCyberWizard @kiltfan NOR DID I. At first I thought it was a cold, then bronchitis. Then I started turning blue, choking, etc. Whooping cough like I am a Victorian orphan in an Infirmary. I have 4 broken ribs just from *coughing* this is so much bullshit. And in the year 2022 of Our Lord Beyonce, there's nothing medical science can do. Antibiotics to kill the infection, steroid inhaler, and then it's just months of this. "good luck, don't die! Best wishes!"

Anyway go refresh your TDAP vaxx

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basically it's
PAY the rich guy to PLAY in his sandbox

Turns out the $8 isn’t just to get a blue check, it’s to get your tweets seen. Algorithm will “prioritize twitter search, replies, mentions, by verified users first.” 🎥

Damn I need to work on my tagging LOL. No more apostrophes 😂

Happy everyone!! :D

I hope everyone is having a great weekend and that their weeks were good and stuff and things. ’tDegrade

If you happened to have a bad week. I hope things turn around for you soon and if you need to talk to someone please know that it’s okay to ask for help. ’sOkayToNotBeOk

And sorry for all the tags haha, not trying to be trendy or anything just helping other people filter out things I talk about =]

Holy shit guys is the DoS attack over? I feel like some dragons have been slayed while I was at work today 💙💙💙!

Honestly, this is just one of the many reasons why I’m totally okay going Pro with . I am confident that my money is going to real people and not some huge entity that is also trying to sell my data and sell things TO me 🤣.

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BREAKING: In a stunning win for President Biden, the U.S. Supreme Court DECLINES to block President Biden’s Student Aid Loan forgiveness plan.

I’ve been wanting to write a book and I think it’s finally happening! A friend of mine and I are going to write something around clean code and architecture and the general philosophies we’ve incorporated into our working environments.

I’ll share the name at some point but I’m super excited to share my experiences with anyone who is interested!

Oh and shout out to someone who I find super inspiring and has also written books! @alyssam_infosec 💙

I’m not trying to sell anyone on coso but my personal experience as been so great and I think it’s helping share some new perspectives

For one, I’m not nearly as pessimistic 🤣.

Second, I get so engrossed in work that I seemingly lose track of days and that new understanding is encouraging me to want to improve my work life balance.

There’s a lot more to this but I’m still figuring it out 💙

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PSA - If you were wondering about shitty performance, lag and columns not updating - we have been under a DoS attack against our API since around 1030am.

The problem has now been... ugh... resolved.

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JFC it's been a day. Thanks for your patience guys. Progress is being made.

Nighty night fam :d! I’m so happy that CoSo exists haha. It’s nice to have a lot more positivity on my feed too instead of all the “noise” that I grew so accustomed to on Twitter.

It’s motivating and makes me wanna get more involved… 🤩

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Since we're sharing, these were my boys. We lost Razzle (L) October 8, 2021, and Napoleon (R) June 30, 2022. No disrespect to your dogs, but they were the best dogs in all of space and time.

I’m sad. I just learned that Jim Carey has done some creepy shit :(

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