Today's meetings are all about "Why aren't you done yet?" followed by "Oh yeah we changed all of that and forgot to tell you," followed by starting over. I refuse to get frustrated although I am seriously tempted to put myself in "presenting" mode and act like I'm in a very serious meeting all day long so people leave me alone. Or maybe I could "accidentally" lose internet and work offline for a few many possibilities. #morecoffee
@GrandmaJ In-office meeting done. I survived. Felt really weird to put on pants and work boots though. Now for an afternoon of remote meetings.
@GrandmaJ yeah our heat index is supposed to be 110 today. Couple that with the rain soaked ground...instant sweat bath. I lost half of a squash plant to the wind during this morning's storm. I'm hoping the other half lives.
@Helical_Code It turned out awesome! What a wonderful gift :)
@j0n My mentor retired this year and it has really hit me harder than I thought it would. I know it's time for me to be the adultier adult and I'm really glad he's doing all the fun things, but I miss him like crazy.
Yay for the unexpected weird little storm coming from the north! My lightening tracker app is buzzing like crazy. #weirdweather
@j0n only 21 more years to go! (assuming I can retire at 65)
@Helical_Code I'm opting for the IV drip today! PM training is followed by the project task force meeting, followed by the meeting to discuss some errant field data, followed by the risk analysis/go-no-go meeting on a new project task. Days like this drive me insane with the lack of productivity. I hope your coffee is strong and effective this morning :)
I'm up. Doggos are fed. Run is done. Showered. I'm wearing pants. And a shirt with a collar. And I'll be digging my boots out of the closet. All so I can go spend my morning in a mask sitting in a meeting room refreshing my project management skills. I don't have enough hours in the day for this kind of time waste. #sigh #morecoffee
@Blue_Skyesr_here Yeah it's crazy hot out there right now and the forecast this morning does not give me hope for any significant relief on the horizon. I swear the temps in the 10 day forecast went up since yesterday.
We've all been complaining about the heat wave but this heat is no joke. Check on your friends and elders without AC. Hydrate. Know the signs of heat stress and heat exhaustion and google them if you don't. Don't push yourself to your normal limits of physical exertion while working or exercising outdoors. #safety
I think this is going to be an interesting work week. My client wants to use some technology that he read about in a journal paper. What he doesn't know...the paper was written by my friend, I am well aware of the research, unless something has changed since she published her didn't work. I'm really going to enjoy bursting his bubble because he's an arrogant Ph.D. who thinks his doctorate is the only one with credibility.
@Helical_Code I think we need an update on how chicken and waffles went...complete with pictures for us to drool over #foodpron
@Elinkster I would agree with you. Our Ag industry worries me the most. My grandpa was a farmer and they are a stubborn lot. Then again they are somewhat on the front line and there's really only so long you can ignore the facts when they're slapping you in the face on a daily basis (or so I tell myself).
@Helical_Code None whatsoever. I dabbled in crochet when I was a college student and needed something to occupy my hands. I admit to being really bad at it, mostly because I can't keep track of stitch numbers so anything more complicated than a square pot holder involves a lot of cursing and do-overs. However, I am always willing to learn new things (and THAT is how I spent 13 years in college) and I'm older now although I don't know how much that has helped my focus.
@GrandmaJ there is ratatouille in my future once we start getting eggplant and tomato. YUMMMAY.
@Helical_Code I had to watch it twice because I was so focused on the store behind her. I do hope that store has a cozy little knitters corner somewhere with a bunch of people sitting around spinning and knitting and chatting.
@Helical_Code Our family in Sun Valley is currently in the process of relocating to Florida (yuck...don't ask me why) so our chances of returning to Idaho this year are slim. Also, the dogs make it hard to travel. I always next dog will be travel size, and then my next dog ends up being another rescue with health issues that needs a good home that can afford the vet bills.
@Helical_Code From what I was reading, it is advised to try a lot of wheels before settling on one. How long did you wait before moving to a wheel? Of course then there's the selection of the wool itself and the dying process if you want to go that far into it...and so so many directions one could go with this....
I need more coffee