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A friend who I didn't know wrote poetry just gave me a handful of his compositions. I think I will throw one up here once in a while.

Mortal? I reject the term!
Of ageless stardust am I born,
And to which I shall return.
Created from the empty void,
With all that is, I share this voyage.

- Jack Wallick

I have apparently never watched Paper Moon. Although I'm sure I figured I had. Well, I just watched it. Now I'm sure I haven't and I'm glad I did. And that's that.

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Anyone remember Sheldon's 'bus pants' on Big Bang show? As I was changing out of my 'doctor's visit pants" I realized why the idea has always made sense to me.

Well it turns out she belongs 2 doors down, to some neighbors I know but don't hang out with. The mystery only deepens. They thought She was a He, and named 'him' Bagheera. Said Breeder sold them when they were 7. According to breeder she is only 6 now...going to call breeder to find out more.

Kind of seems like she's made her choice anyway. 😆🐱

Bengal Qat update: Vet scanned, breeder contacted as no owner data turned up. Breeder looked up in his database and finds that original purchaser of kitty gave bad info. No way to contact. Kitty born 7/31/17. Breeder pissed that cat was declawed. Said I can keep her, or he would send his daughter to pick her up. My CatLady friend will continue looking locally for her latest owner, even if not the original. We wouldn't put her back with them now anyway or whoever the ones that had her declawed.

I've officially been catted.
2 days of coming in and out and chose this morning to come up to my lap.
But taking her to the vet today to see who she's chipped with and get her back home.

I went out to putter in the yard and she came back upstairs without me noticing. I think she even pushed the door open (from a jar). Gave her some more sardine and checked her out. Front paws declawed. I'll ask my neighbor it she's theirs, and if not, I'll take her to vet to see if she's chipped.

2/2 Wallace continues:

“They claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. They demand free enterprise, but are the spokesmen for monopoly and vested interest.

“Their final objective toward which all their deceit is directed is to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjection.”

Thom Hartman, quoting FDR's 2nd VP Henry Wallace (a Socialist in fine standing): “The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact,” Wallace wrote. “Their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity, every crack in the common front against fascism. They use every opportunity to impugn democracy.”

From The Lever; "Banning stock buybacks, excessive shareholder dividends, or skyrocketing executive compensation would reset company incentives and free up trillions of dollars for workers and climate. There are enough resources to implement transformational technology and ensure that workers can live dignified lives. Labor organizers and climate activists have a common enemy: a billionaire class intent on hoarding resources for themselves."

Good morning my beautiful CoSo friends.
☕ While I'm making coffee. I'll show you a picture of il qat that seems to be moving in. She started by occupying the chair on the porch at the front door in the last weeks. Last night appeared upstairs in the apartment as apparently the door blew ajar. After calmly checking out things in all corners she ensconced herself here. She was awarded with sardine snak, water, and some dog kibble which she ate with grace and calm. After a bit, asked to go out.

Good Wednesday my 'Nautys.

From Mary Trump's email The Good In Us. She says "This is the only recording of “Kisses Sweeter Than Wine” anybody should ever listen to. Trust me."

The Weavers - 1951


“On the day of our victory, I’ll put away my uniform, don an elegant gown and heels, and celebrate. I’ll get married and have a big happy family. But I’ll never forget the men & women who died for our freedom," Ivanna Lemeshko once wrote.

Ivanna died in combat this week.

Stolen from KOS:

I am not nerd enuf to have played DnD, but am familiar enough to see this is brilliant. Bird site warning. I give you .

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Rescued from

If you look hard enough, there are still a few posts worth reading over in that wasteland.

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1 of 32/ Body Language Analysis No. 4719: Mary Barra, General Motors President regarding UAW Strike — Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence

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31 of 32/ SUMMARY: Mary Barra, General Motors CEO, displays multiple signals of insincerity, manipulation, and deception during this interview.

Did you ever think about building a train set? So big you have to design your house over top of it? This gentleman says it's his third setup, he started this about 20 years ago.

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