@GeezerWench "So far." It's aggravating to be sure, but I have been teased by some hopeful trends...
@Kinnison My wife and I still remember fondly our first bowls of potato leek soup in Dublin Ireland. Makes me salivate just thinking about it....
@BenA Juxtaposed next to mold, flies and listeria. On brand, again.
@tgraph52 Well, there ya go! 😋
@tgraph52 Yeah. I mean, the photos themselves have been in closed albums kept in a closet shelf and still managed to fade. So, probably the same fate for the negagives. 😋
@tgraph52 That sounds like a ton!!!
@tgraph52 ...or, if the negatives also fade in some way?
@tgraph52 You just reminded me that I still have many of the negatives from photos that have now turned kinda reddish - I wonder if redeveloping them would get them back to their original colors?
@tgraph52 Oh ouch! I have been tempted to toss out blurry photos and such, but I always stop because I or someone else might recognize the folks. That's really rough!
@Route10 It's almost like mini- Fourths of July on those wings!
@Bobbelieu I will be so glad when we do not have to spend so much time on this irony.
@tgraph52 It is definitely time consuming. I have to discipline myself not to perseverate with reminiscing while scanning and just "do the job." My goal is to able to have several flash drives I can plug into our smart TV and have a family night. It also makes it easier to share with family long distance.
@tgraph52 I've been going through some old photo albums and scanning them to make digital copies - I think those slides provide a higher quality for this task should you ever dare to venture it.
@tgraph52 What a truly great memory and photo capture!
@tgraph52 I have seen dozens of posts re: Oasis. I am - and am remaining - blissfully ignorant about all of it.
Husband, Dad, Teacher, Musician, Humanist