Another #resistance mega-fraudster has been exposed. Allison Gill, a.k.a MeullerSheWrote has her many lies laid out in this thread:
Now she has retweeted this, a tweet from someone who is trying to defend her by saying it’s a coordinated op.
@GreenCheese @voltronic I bet it is a coordinated operation. Doesn't make it any less valid though.
@AndyM @voltronic
Meat on the bone to the anti democratic crowd, regrettably
@GreenCheese @voltronic @AndyM It's all pretty interesting. I'd like to know more about the source and their motives. Could be an attack from the right. Could middle-ground "you're all dirty" vigilantism. But there's also a growing disdain on the left for how polluted our own pool has become. The decline of #Twitter sent folks from being causal fans of their leftist heroes to being dependent on them as they were followed to new media. That scrutiny hasn't gone well for those who don't measure up
@AndyM @voltronic @GreenCheese That would be nice. But even then the current tends amongst political conservatives is to dismiss facts and instead base decisions on their easily manipulated emotional reactions. And now we see that plenty on the political left are willing to adopt those tactics as well. Valid news sources only go so far if they aren't received as valid.
It reminds me to slow down and try to vet everything I read on social media
@Fellixe @voltronic @AndyM
Shows the need to bring back real news organizations that bet their sources and material