"We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
#Quotes #Fascism #EmotionalIntelligence #Oppression
The sole reason that neo-nazis exist is to kill Jews and other minorities and to make excuses to inspire others to kill Jews and other minorities.
The only reason that neo-nazis are interested in "free speech" is to end the speech of all others.
There is no lack of other social media sites where that sort of hate is allowed, and even condoned.
CoSo isn't one of those sites and it never will be.
You probably already think that CounterSocial is cool, but did you know that you have your very own Wall of Entropy that's helping to keep your account safe? It's true! #CoSoTips
That anger you felt on Twitter? It was intentionally fomented by an algorithm to keep you clicking, emotionally manipulating you to sell more ads. It didn't stay there either. It seeped into your life, poisoning you and your interactions in ways you didn't realize.
There's none of that here. Give it a few days, and you'll see. #CoSoRocks
"Where are all of the trolls?"
CounterSocial has a zero-tolerance policy towards community abuse. It is a core feature that keeps this place awesome, backed by a community of amazing people who readily report abusive behavior.
If you see a troll, please report them immediately. This can be done from their profile, or from the offending post itself. #CoSoTips
Daniel Davis Aston, 28, moved to Colorado Springs 2 years ago. He was loving and a self-proclaimed "Master of Silly Business" - Daniel, was also a transgender man, another killed and added on a list too large of trans lives taken in 2022 by bigotry and hatred: The same bigotry and hatred perpetuated by lawmakers in the House and Senate.
We at Witches Truth Post would like everyone to see Daniel and to hold your lawmakers accountable.
Obama to campaign for Warnock on Dec. 1 before Ga. runoff
CounterSocial is the PBS of social media, and is made possible by users like you. If you appreciate an ad-free, troll-free, bot-free social media oasis that does not exploit you as a product to be sold, please consider going Pro.
Can't go Pro? No one will judge you. Your contribution is appreciated in whatever form it takes. #CoSoTips
Welcome new members ๐
Please be patient while J tends to the glitches. He is a one man show who works his magic on very little or no sleep. I understand the glitches can be frustrating, but patience is a CoSo membership requirement at this time.
If you can't be patient, meet me by the bicycle rack... ๐๐๐โค๏ธโ๏ธ
Having troubling signing on to CoSo? Maybe you can't like a post or reply. That's just due to our community growing and the servers making room for you all.
J & CoSo appreciate your patience as the wrinkles keep getting ironed out!
@FabulousLVNV Most of my Twitter friends are moving to Mastodon, which is too confusing and Twitter-ish like for me. Iโve felt more acceptance and kindness here in 1 month than I ever did in 8 years on Twitter. The lack of an algorithm helps, but the commitment to maturity, authenticity, and kindness really make all the difference.
Woke up to the excellent news that Bob Iger is returning as CEO of Disney. He is a genuinely nice man and is funny as hell! Iโll be so happy to see Disney make a strong comeback under his leadership! #Disney
Wordle 520 4/6
๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ #Wordle
If I knew this guy was coming after me, I'd shit bricks. He looks like he signs his name with a Katana dipped in the blood of his enemies. #SpecialCounsel #JackSmithDOJ
๐๐ผTrekkie | X Files | Fringe | Baseball nut โพ๏ธ #FightInjustice #LGBTQally #Science #Education #BeKind