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Cat Pope boosted

There were 3 separate attacks on protesters in NYC yesterday using cars. 3!

This is out of control.

The s*** that went down over the course of the cop riots is gonna haunt me for years and I'm never gonna be able to engage with conversations on the topic without getting angry. Should I just not say anything and keep the peace? Idk.

Cat Pope boosted

SCOTUS’ ruling today on employers not having to cover birth control with their healthcare plans is yet another reason health insurance should not be tied to your employer.

I've decided to go back into medicine with a focus on trans and non-binary patients.

Personally though I'd totes take away all their money

Feeling super vindicated by the Monmouth poll which showed 77% of voters interpreted "Defund the police" as "Change how the police operate"

Maaaaad armchair political operatives said that was a terrible slogan and they were wrong lol

Cat Pope boosted

Eviction proceedings have started and in a little over a month evictions will actually happen in NYC. And it is going to be so many people. Rent didn't get canceled, and it's been compounding over time.

Idk if y'all know, but rent in NYC is f***ing bananas and it has not gone down at any point during the epidemic.

Right now there are around 80k homeless in NYC. We are talking about ~a million people who are on track to become homeless in August.

The people who professionally whine about cancel culture are disingenuous.

"All of their supposed enthusiasm for debate and heterodoxy is typically marshaled in defense of a handful of opinions⁠—on transgender identity, feminist sexual politics, and the nature of racial disadvantage—which, far from having been chased into some intellectually “dark” corner, are relatively common and largely shared by the most politically powerful people in America today."

There are few things I respect less than rich writers complaining about cancel culture.

I read the letter in Harpers and I'm pretty pissed about it.

Cat Pope boosted

Just learned Jonathan Sackler died and gotta say it is a shame he can only die once.

At least he's in the bad place now.

If you don't know who Sackler is just google him before telling me not to speak ill of the dead or some s***. Arguably one of the worst people in America.

I hope when America inevitably collapses we get independent city states again.

Who'd be the Sparta to NYC's Athens? LA? Boston? Dallas?

I want to leave this country and live in a geodesic dome in the arctic circle.

So many people I know are going to be evicted in the next month and are just totally f***ed. I'm trying not to think too much about it because it is beyond my ability to control/help but JFC it is a staggering number of people.

I think the cops really may have gone on strike yesterday, even though the NYPD tried to quash that rumor. Literally did not see a single cop the entire night.

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Cat Pope

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