@hallmarc I agree he did/was doing some things well. Building back the economy after Trump/Covid. Dickhead Trump foiling the bipartisan border agreement was a mortal wound that infected his faux outrage at Bibi slaughtering Palestinians [hypocrisy alert given he was the arms supplier]. I will always be so thankful he helped Ukraine and despise him for Gaza. A mixed legacy at best, IMHO.
@hallmarc No worries. I know I am in the minority on this, but I do appreciate your response.
@EdgeOErin if you'd like to have a serious discussion about Gaza, I'm actually fine with it. I've found the level of knowledge and willingness to engage on CoSo to be refreshing. I can even give you my background so you can judge my inherent biases. I have a deep autodidactic familiarity with the region and the decades long conflict. But I'd understand if now is not the time...
@hallmarc I appreciate the offer. Perhaps we can, bit by bit. I've always been a history buff and abhor racism, be it antisemitism, islamophobia, or otherwise.
@EdgeOErin I'm sorry but you're speaking to the wrong person about Gaza. I detest Bibi (another felon trying to save his ass) and I hope they vote him out ASAP but we were always going to provide virtually unequivocal support no matter who was in charge. Biden was trying to walk a fine line during an election year but when a truly (self-identifying) genocidal regime brutally attacks a nation that is our most valuable partner in the ME, proportionality and "ceasefire" are meaningless.