#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @MyRadar - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 96.12% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/300/388/original/7fda5ed3a8b22f93.mp4?1666723655
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @ketchup9080 - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/300/157/original/722fc91ff369b50a.mp4?1666716630
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @slaymo - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 92.18% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/299/672/original/f67377cb5b6af029.mp4?1666697243
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @omnipotus - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/299/609/original/ad68656f62c0b93c.mp4?1666688938
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @etakeh - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 80.30% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/299/415/original/b46021ea61e6f4b5.mp4?1666664986
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @phase - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/298/153/original/28c0877a8b40295b.mp4?1666619078
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @Jennifelroy - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 93.33% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/298/017/original/8066513f6ee05777.mp4?1666610723
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @yogapaddlerun - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 80.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/297/988/original/b76fb10ea3e58da5.mp4?1666608369
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @th3j35t3r - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 80.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/296/522/original/a201c3fba07d313e.mp4?1666540653
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @kel - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/295/768/original/9bedad7e15ae2563.mp4?1666482093
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @Dav_mreo - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 97.06% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/295/027/original/645f406a1a15f1e1.mp4?1666455782
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @phase - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 80.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/294/978/original/248458b3262faf5f.mp4?1666453815
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @LiberalLibrarian - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/294/826/original/74dcfe9608d2c977.mp4?1666448008
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @sw00p - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/294/235/original/e12ed999cfaa4927.mp4?1666398006
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @SalK - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 80.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/294/191/original/590a4843db025cc9.mp4?1666396299
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @MovieNights - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/259/180/original/74601520d38ba0ef.mp4?1663954578
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @grapho - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 95.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/294/011/original/7b6229e3d5fff009.mp4?1666390074
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @Smersh - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/293/985/original/4acde40133185d22.mp4?1666389224
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @bluesbaby - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 95.67% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/293/842/original/8b1083894f88636d.mp4?1666383118
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @Maude - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/293/631/original/a3fc5dd4d1c9de6c.mp4?1666376968
CounterSocial DeepFake Detector AI neural network automagically analyzes videos UPLOADED TO OUR SERVERS and determines if they're 'DeepFake' or manipulations.