If Muslims think they're going to have it better with #Trump in the White House, they better think again. Trump hates Muslims, and to be fair, he hates Jews, too. Trump's coin of the realm is hate!
Biden Is in Danger of Losing Michigan and, With It, the Whole Election https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/23/opinion/gaza-biden-michigan.html
We need to find the intestinal fortitude to divest ourselves from Amazon. Trader Joe's and Tesla as well!
Jim Jordan is running for Speaker. Remind EVERYONE of this:
Six former wrestlers say Rep. Jim Jordan knew about ... https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/03/06/politics/jordan-osu-wrestlers-strauss-invs/index.html
Do the demented book burners and history distorters think that dumbing down those within their jurisdictions erases the internet, the World's libraries, the collective of knowledge and memories across the planet? Stupidly doesn't have that kind of power. It's doomed to be thwarted and vanquished. Truth ultimately prevails, IDIOTS!
Upshot: #Republicans CAN'T GOVERN! Why? Because they're fuckin anarchists; they don't want any government but rather a free for all society where no one respects the rights of others. They are a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to the U.S.! Period!