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My mom used to say: "You are the average of your friends."

Musk's friends in Qatar: Kushner and the Saudis.

Looks like some Tesla shareholders are not too pleased with the musky odors coming off Tesla stock prices.

“You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.”
― Nikola Tesla

It's as if Syndrome from The Incredibles got control of Twitter.

The press seems much more upset about Biden privately hosting his granddaughter's wedding at the White House than they were about Trump's illegal abuse of the White House for the RNC convention.

I really don't want to believe that the media and foreign states try to influence our elections. But then you see stuff like this that, amazingly, shows dramatic drops coming in gas prices. Right after the midterms. Putin wants MAGAs in power, and the Saudis damned sure do.

Fox coverage of crime stories after the midterms dropped into the same hole as CRT, caravans, & Benghazi. It's all a con, folks.

Jerkass is running a poll on the bird app. Be sure to vote NO if you still have an account, though I doubt it will matter.

Our grandfathers faced death in a foreign land to defeat the nazi evil and preserve liberty. All you need to do is vote. Will you please do that so we don't have to do it the hard way?


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