CounterSocial has been providing a safe haven online for SEVEN YEARS.
That's seven years without bots, trolls, ads, or foreign influence campaigns.
That's over 61,000 hours of uptime.
2,557 days of active moderation.
365 weeks of keeping YOU safe from all manner of bad actors.
It's an incredible 84 months of serving as the only altruistic social on the web. We think you'll agree. There's nothing like it anywhere. #CoSoTips
You have made this oasis possible. Your posts, your personality, your creativity, your thoughts, your opinions. Sharing what you love and lamenting what you don't. The joyous moments celebrated and the empathy expressed with loss. We here have seen it all.
That's what makes us different. There is no overarching profit motive or investors to satisfy. There is only a community that reveres togetherness, made possible by YOU.
This isn't social media.
It's CounterSocial. #CoSoTips
Our humble social has been approached by venture capitalists and big-monied interests several times over those seven years, and we've told them all to get bent.
You see, we believe that online communities can thrive of their own accord, kept afloat by those who appreciate an altogether different experience. A place where we are free to be ourselves without manipulation or exploitation.
You're here because you also believe, and we cannot adequately express our gratitude. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial has been providing a safe haven online for SEVEN YEARS.
That's seven years without bots, trolls, ads, or foreign influence campaigns.
That's over 61,000 hours of uptime.
2,557 days of active moderation.
365 weeks of keeping YOU safe from all manner of bad actors.
It's an incredible 84 months of serving as the only altruistic social on the web. We think you'll agree. There's nothing like it anywhere. #CoSoTips
Now we leave it up to you to help us show the difference.
What would you add to #CounterVsSocial? #CoSoTips
Social Media: If you post certain keywords, you're inundated by mentions from spambots.
CounterSocial: No bots, of any kind, ever. #CounterVsSocial #CoSoTips
Social Media: Post pretty much anything and endure the abuse of trolls.
CounterSocial: Trolls have a lifespan that is measured in seconds. #CounterVsSocial #CoSoTips
Social Media: Merely installing the app gives them permission to sift through your device and learn everything about you.
CounterSocial: You only gave us an email address, and we value your privacy. #CounterVsSocial
Social Media: So called influencers can take any post and make it go viral on a whim, to disastrous effect.
CounterSocial: There are no influencers, and nothing ever goes viral. #CounterVsSocial #CoSoTips
Social Media: Algorithms twist your entire experience, showing you their preferred content first.
CounterSocial: No algorithms, your content, in chronological order. #CounterVsSocial #CoSoTips
Social Media: Raids your personal data to sell you targeted ads.
CounterSocial: No personal data gathered, no ads. #CounterVsSocial #CoSoTips
Have you ever wondered why the other socials don't seem to show you the most recent posts first?
It's because they've been built to use complex algorithms that are designed to show you what they want you to see.
Those algorithms? They're usually fed information from your browsing history, app usage, location data, and vast volumes of other personal information.
What's more? You gave them permission to grab it all when you installed their applications. #CoSoTips
"Why doesn't CounterSocial have an 'Edit' button!?"
Two reasons. The first is that an edit button for social media is a bad idea because it can be readily abused in all kinds of ways.
The second is that 'DELETE AND REDRAFT" is better in just about every way, especially in a place like this where likes and boosts aren't particularly important. #CoSoTips
Are you using a desktop browser and long for a more traditional social media experience?
Give our SIMPLIFIED MODE a try. It turns your layout into a familiar, single-column setup.
You can find it in the main menu, over there. 👉
New, but worried about saying anything?
You definitely get the most out of CounterSocial when you post about what you like.
Maybe browse the #introductions for inspiration about creating your own, and don't worry. We're a friendly lot here. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial officially turns SEVEN on Sunday. That's right, if CoSo was a person, they'd be in 2nd grade. 🤯
Get yourself the gift of a Pro subscription, and feel good knowing that you're helping to keep this awesome community online.
Can't go Pro? Don't worry. We've got you covered. Just keep on being you. #CoSoTips
How to get more followers, if that's your thing:
1. Post about what you like.
2. Interact with those who post what you like.
3. Be you.
It's that simple! #CoSoTips
We are entering a tumultuous time during which your privacy will be paramount.
CounterSocial was built for the challenge. We were created by a man who knows all there is to know about exploiting people online, and it has allowed him to build an unmatched feature set that keeps us uniquely safe.
This isn't social media.
It's CounterSocial. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial has no bots, no trolls, and no ads. The entire platform has been hardened to prevent user tracking. Every post is stripped of metadata. You have complete control over the privacy of your account, the content you see, and the users you interact with.
All of this is made possible through the generous support of our users, who chip in to keep the servers going.
On CoSo, YOU ARE NOT FOR SALE. No other social can claim the same. #CoSoTips
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.