"Why do I need a Pro account to send a Direct Message?"
This is one of the ways that CounterSocial keeps the community protected, as unsolicited DMs are huge vector for all sorts of abuse on other platforms.
Fortunately, the ability to send DMs is not the only benefit of going Pro. #CoSoTips
New here? Welcome to the best social media anywhere! Check out this profile for a link to our userguide, or ask any question. We're confident that you'll have plenty of answers from the awesome community here. #CoSoTips
We 100% mean to brag when we say that CounterSocial is the only social media network that provides this as a default option.
The rest of them are farming as much of your metadata as they possibly can. Why? Because selling it is very lucrative for them. #CoSoTips
If you ever have a need to bypass the SANITIZER, you can add the word "nosanitize" to your post to disable it. #CoSoTips
"Why is there an all-caps SANITIZER in my post authoring window?'
SANITIZER is a CounterSocial feature that scrubs your links and media to remove any and all metadata from the stuff you post.
For URLs, it takes out session, identifier and other tags that are commonly included in links.
For media, it removes location, device type, and other metadata.
We're the only social media network to do this, because on CoSo, your privacy actually matters. #CoSoTips
There's only one social media network that doesn't exist to monetize your entire existence online.
It's this one. #CoSoTips
Reminder: There is no requirement to hashtag any post, and it is 100% up to YOU to curate your own timeline.
Don't like what someone is posting? There are tools for that, and we are extremely consistent in encouraging you to use them. #CoSoTips
#FourYearsAgo CounterSocial was almost three years old. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial is a few short months away from being SEVEN YEARS OLD. (We can't believe it either.)
It hasn't "broken even" once in that entire time. That means that over 80 of the months that CounterSocial has existed, its founder has had to pay the difference between subscriptions, donations, and whatever was owed to keep the servers online.
We mention this for one reason.
In order for CounterSocial to thrive, it needs a lot more people just like you.
Tell your friends. #CoSoTips
A troll-free, bot-free, ad-free social media oasis that SERVES you and doesn't SELL you...
...if you can keep it.
Did you know that CounterSocial has a Media Kit to help you with all of your amazing creative pursuits?
It's true! Grab logos, fonts, glyphs, QR codes and more at https://counter.social/mediakit.html
CounterSocial was the first social media network to provide integrated AI assistance.
@Alfred will answer any question, anytime.
Our AI also was not, and never will be, trained on your posts. Why? Because unlike every other social, we actually care about not exploiting you in every possible way. #CoSoTips
We feel that this needs to be reiterated, possibly weekly between now and November.
No one is under any obligation to hashtag anything. CounterSocial has given you all of the tools to make your timeline yours.
You don't need to police the timeline. You only need to use the tools. #CoSoTips
Put simply, there is absolutely no requirement for anyone to hashtag anything they post.
What you see is 100% up to you. #CoSoTips
We're coming at you LIVE with an important #CoSoTips entry that you should keep in mind as the United States enters its Election Season.
It is YOUR responsibility to manage YOUR experience.
While it can be helpful for others to hashtag potentially uncomfortable topics, it is 100% on you to curate your own timeline as you see fit.
To maximize your experience, create FILTERS for disagreeable topics, BLOCK disagreeable users, or better yet, simply let it scroll on by.
Our most recent thread is going to be quite helpful in the next few months. #CoSoTips
@CoSoTips To configure custom filters to avoid any discussion about a televised argument between two presidential candidates, you could use the following words or phrases to filter out content related to this topic: - Presidential debate - Candidates argument - Televised debate - Political argument - Candidate clash - Campaign dispute You can also include specific names of the candidates involved in the televised argument if you want to be more precise in filtering out content about them.
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.