All of that is to say that you will not find a more genuine, nicer corner of the internet than this one.
If you have a question, please ask. We hope you like it here. #CoSoTips
New here? Welcome! Here's what you should know about CounterSocial:
1. We've been here for almost six years.
2. We have no trolls, no bots, and no ads.
3. We are a friendly, helpful community full of real users.
4. We are kept online by our Pro subscribers.
5. We do not remove problematic users days, weeks, or months after they violate our Terms of Service. We them immediately.
Are you annoyed by that .gif that someone just posted?
Click on the little eye icon in the upper-left corner of the image, and presto. It's gone! #CoSoTips
Lurking here is totally welcome. If all you do is read and like the posts you enjoy, then you're a contributor too.
Making friends is also pretty easy though. Just post about the stuff you like, and follow those who like your posts. #CoSoTips
Is that "Click here to open a Support Ticket" button annoying you? Hop into your settings and make it disappear! #CoSoTips
Longtime CounterSocial users know that there is always an uptick in trolls, bots, and abusive accounts every time Elon Musk does something stupid.
They're always dealt with promptly. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial does not tolerate those who violate our Terms of Use. If you see such an account, REPORT them.
Unlike other socials, they will usually be dealt with immediately. #CoSoTips
Are you a data nerd? If so, then you'll love this geek-out worthy array of consolidated CounterSocial metrics. #CoSoTips
On CounterSocial, you can edit your posts *and* block disagreeable users, all without paying a single dime. #CoSoTips
Just living our best ad-free, bot-free, troll-free life on CounterSocial. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial isn't like any other social media site online. We have more features, a better community, and a no-nonsense moderation policy that makes us a downright nice place to be.
New here? Welcome! You've joined a helpful community full of real people who thrive in a unique environment that is free from ads, trolls, bots, and abuse of any kind. #CoSoTips
Have you heard of #MovieNight?
Now you have. Also, it's happening RIGHT NOW.
Visit @MovieNights for more information. #CoSoTips
One of the hardest adjustments that new CounterSocial users struggle to get used to is the fact that follower count is truly meaningless here. It affords neither stature nor status.
It's one of our best features. Being yourself is all that is required. #CoSoTips
Did you know that CounterSocial has a MEDIA KIT that was designed to make it easy for the makers among us to make CounterSocial assets?
It's true! #CoSoTips
The beating will continue until the mashed potatoes are smooth. #PotatoTips
Q: How does CounterSocial pay its bills?
A: Through the generous contributions of our Pro subscribers. You aren't a resource to be exploited here. You're a contributor. #CoSoTips
Q: How does every other social media website pay its bills?
A: By selling YOU to the highest bidder. #CoSoTips
Having issues with CounterSocial? It usually isn't us.
It's usually you.
Reset your cache. You can either do this your browser settings, or via your device's app settings. #CoSoTips
"My #AlfredArt hashtag isn't updating. What gives?"
@Alfred is a popular guy, and that meant that his #AI-generated art was making the Community Firehose very difficult to use. To address this, a tweak was made to make his artful responses an UNLISTED reply to the requestor.
You can still see the entire collection of #AlfredArt by visiting the @Alfred profile and clicking on the "Media" button. #CoSoTips
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.