Some basic #CoSoTips:
1. Follower count is meaningless here, and follow-backs are not expected.
2. Hashtags are important. They're how you find what you like and FILTER what you don't.
3. Fishing for engagement is generally pointless.
4. Other socials encourage hatred and divisiveness. This place? Not so much.
5. Looking for your people? Post about the things you like and follow those who like your posts.
6. MUTE and BLOCK are how you curate your experience. Use them freely.
7. Be nice.
"Why is everyone so nice here?"
Beyond the obvious of our awesome community members, CounterSocial has baked-in core architectural features to limit animosity online. There are no bots amplifying hate. "Quote Post" is not a thing, and no one ever goes viral.
The result is a community of real people who tend to operate with more accountability than they do on other social media sites. That helps to keep it nicer here. #CoSoTips
"Six years? Why aren't you more popular then?"
Two main reasons:
1. Other social media sites actively suppress any mention of us.
2. We have nothing to offer the people who seek to take advantage of other people online.
There is no algorithm pushing promoted content. There are no influencers. No one ever goes viral. On CounterSocial, you are a person same as everyone else, and that equal footing is off-putting to anyone who posts in search of clout.
Fact: CounterSocial "went live" on November 17th, 2017.
We aren't some newfangled clone opportunizing Twitter's demise. We've been doing social media better with end-user funding for almost six years. #CoSoTips
If you are a website owner trying to figure out what to do about the dead bird on your website, we highly recommend taking a look at the assets available in our media kit. #CoSoTips
"If the other socials block or suppress CounterSocial, then how can I tell my people that I am here?"
They're really good at filtering words, but they don't do a great job of filtering pictures. Here's a few that might help. #CoSoTips
^^ Note: Clearing app cache is typically done in your phone settings. Use your favorite search engine to look up: "how to clear app cache". #CoSoTips
Experiencing glitches? It happens. Sometimes it's because backend tweaks are happening, but usually it's because your cookies have crumbled.
Close CounterSocial, then clear your cache. Log back in, and everything should be fine. Still having issues? Try asking the "help" hashtag. #CoSoTips
Are you seeing a lot of annoying posts from the same person? It happens, even here.
The big difference between CounterSocial and other social media sites is that MUTE and BLOCK are not considered punitive.
They are a necessary part of making your experience ideal for you, and you should never hesitate to use them. One popular option is what we call "SOFT MUTE", which makes them disappear unless they mention you.
Uncheck the radio button in the mute dialog to SOFT MUTE a user. #CoSoTips
Let's talk about how social media is funded.
Every other social media network pays for servers, bandwidth, and ancillary support by SELLING YOU.
Your ad impressions, your follows, your posts. Every tap, every pause of the scroll. If you've installed their apps, then they're tracking your entire life to monetize you.
CounterSocial is different. We are sustained by our awesome Pro subscribers. You aren't a product to be sold here. You're a supporter.
Consider going Pro, if you can. #CoSoTips
On CounterSocial there are no algorithms, and understanding this is an important element that defines the quality of your experience here.
It means that by default, you see *everything* chronologically as it is posted.
Yes, everything—even things you might prefer NOT to see.
Luckily, we have a robust featureset that allows you tailor your experience. You can MUTE and BLOCK disagreeable accounts, and you can FILTER terms you'd prefer to never see again. #CoSoTips
Looking for tips? Start here. #CoSoTips
Are you experiencing technical difficulties with CounterSocial?
Sometimes it's us, but 98% of the time it's you. Luckily, there's an easy fix:
On Desktop, close CounterSocial and then clear your cookies & cache.
On Mobile, you'll find options to clear the CounterSocial app cache in your device settings.
If you've done this and the problem persists, then send an email to [email protected]. #CoSoTips
Have you checked in on YOUR Wall of Entropy lately?
There are many like it, but this ONE is specifically YOURS. #CoSoTips
Have you checked in on YOUR Wall of Entropy lately?
There are many like it, but this ONE is specifically YOURS. #CoSoTips
Fun Fact: CounterSocial has never really "broken even". Our Pro member subscribers cover some of the costs, and our gracious host covers the rest.
If you like what we have here, #GoPro. We've been called the PBS of social media because you aren't a profit motive to be exploited. You're a supporter, and you enjoy premium benefits for helping this community to thrive.
Can't go Pro? No worries. Your contribution is appreciated in whatever form it takes. #CoSoTips
This does not mean that we are some kind of exclusive club. The criteria for "membership" is quite simple:
1. You aren't a troll.
2. You aren't a bot.
3. You aren't trying to exploit people online.
4. You appreciate hanging out in a place that contains none of those things.
We're a highly diverse, highly inclusive community of awesome people. If you're here, then you're one of them. #CoSoTips
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.