Have you read CounterSocial's Terms of Service? Probably not, right? It's okay, most don't.
That's why we are cordially reminding you that CounterSocial does not tolerate abuse of any kind, no matter how well intentioned it purports to be. That everyone is safe to speak here is a hallmark of this place, and we have been extremely consistent in keeping it that way for almost six years.
More information at the link below. #CoSoTips
One of the best things about sportsball is being sportsball fans with other people who love sportsball, so how do you find your fellow sportsball fans in this place where not everything is about sportsball?
This is where hashtags shine. For example, if you add #NFL to your American football posts, then other NFL fans can follow your thoughts about the goings on in the NFL.
Tag your favorite teams for even more specific sportsball fandom! #CoSoTips
Are you getting inflammatory or inappropriate REPLIES to your posts?
If so, please REPORT them immediately.
Replies do not appear on public timelines, so if you don't REPORT abusive behavior happening there, then there's nothing we can do about it. #CoSoTips
Unfortunately, even this post is troll food. They love the attention.
But it makes a very important point. You can help by starving them of the attention they crave, and we sincerely hope that you will.
Community resiliency is how we band together to stop trolls.
For years, bad actors have tried and failed to infiltrate and ruin this beloved community. We're here to tell you that they will never stop trying. Whether it's malice, boredom, or plain-old jealousy, they will always try.
But you (yes, you) can thwart them. How?
1. BLOCK AND REPORT them, and 2. pretend they don't exist. Ignore them completely. Just sit back and wait for the .
Around here, it happens fast. #CoSoTips
For more nuanced control over your follows and followers, check out the RELATIONSHIPS page. This gives you a lot more control over managing your CounterSocial connections. #CoSoTips
"How can I see a list of who follows me?"
Tap on your own name anywhere to view your own profile, then tap on FOLLOWERS.
Note: Anyone can see who follows you (and who you follow) unless you check the "Hide your network" option in your preferences. #CoSoTips
Protip: If anyone ever makes you feel unwelcome here, BLOCK that person immediately.
If they're violating the TOS in doing so, then REPORT them too. #CoSoTips
Did you know that Pro users can control post visibility? It's true!
This is helpful for all kinds of purposes, including limiting conversations specifically to those to whom they apply.
Want to include a broader audience of trusted CoSoNauts in your discussions than a mere post will allow? Check out CoSoGroups. #CoSoTips
"What do I do about someone who refuses to use hashtags!?"
Our recommendation is to use the tools if you don't agree with how someone else uses THEIR CounterSocial.
We also rather firmly recommend against trying—in any way—to make them conform with how YOU use YOURS.
Everyone is free to be themselves here. If you don't like them, then it's on you to make them disappear—preferably without drama of any kind. #CoSoTips
"Why would anyone ask me to use hashtags if they are not required?"
1. As the author of your post, you are familiar with its contents, which makes you the one most qualified to give it a hashtag.
2. Some people enjoy discussing certain topics, and your hashtag will make it easier for them to follow the important things you're talking about—and contribute themselves. How? By making your post visible in SEARCH results for that hashtag.
It's a very useful feature in a place like this. #CoSoTips
Hashtags are NOT required. In fact, you can establish FILTERS on any term whether they are hashtagged or not.
Hashtags are however a kindness, particularly for topics that others might find sensitive or disturbing.
We like kindness here. Kindness rocks. #CoSoTips
The value proposition of CounterSocial is simple.
We do not sell anything about you because we do not collect any data about you. It is in this spirit that we issue this rare request.
Go to your favorite app store, and compare the Data Privacy Disclosures of CounterSocial with literally any other social media platform.
We're the safest by far. Many of the others are downright dangerous. See our pinned post for details. #CoSoTips
You can help your CoSo neighbors by ensuring that you use hashtags for topics that others might find to be disagreeable.
This is more than good etiquette. It also reduces the likelihood of others muting or blocking you for not using them. #CoSoTips
Don't take our word for it. You can confirm this in your favorite app store. #CoSoTips
We got real bored one day, so do you know what we did?
We grabbed the PRIVACY DISCLOSURES of every major social media site online, because we knew that it would PROVE that WE are the only ones looking out for YOU. #CoSoTips
Ask yourself: How is your preferred social media website funded?
They're selling everything about you.
We're sponsored by our amazing Pro subscribers. #CoSoTips
There's CounterSocial, and then there's every other social.
You won't find our equal out there for a great many reasons, prime among them being that they exist to SELL YOU and we do not. #CoSoTips
"How do I enable PUSH NOTIFICATIONS!?"
Put simply, you don't.
In order to serve you push notifications, CounterSocial would have to remain connected to your device at all times. That sort of thing is very much COUNTER to what we're all about, so we don't do that here.
You can find your notifications when you access us again. Not as an interruption in your life, but on YOUR terms. Trust us. It's better this way. #CoSoTips
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.