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CounterSocial provides excellent resources for staying informed about current events.

It also provides helpful tools for avoiding them.

If you don't want to hear about Iran or Israel, you can set up TEMPORARY FILTERS to automatically hide those topics from your timelines.

CoSoTips boosted

REMINDER: If you are looking for actual facts and meaningful insights regarding this skirmish be sure to follow @Render @Dbot and @BreakingNews - also don't forget on desktop you can tune into live BBC News which is also covering it using the channel selector located here ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

cc: @th3j35t3r

Note: All uploaded media is subject to size limits. For audio and video, that's 40mb. For images, it's 8mb.

Files larger than this will not be posted to the timeline. This is to preserve both your bandwidth and ours.

"Why are my photos uploading sideways!?"

The short version: You're taking them wrong.

The long version: To protect your privacy, CounterSocial scrubs all media to remove every Meta tag, including the one that dictates orientation. You can make your photo right-side-up by making a small edit (crop, color, etc.) and saving that as a new image before uploading it here.

CoSoTips boosted

- This. Exists. As far as I know we're the only social platform that provides this kind of real time data to users >>

Did you know that you can HIDE BOOSTS from any CoSo user?

It's true! Click on their name to access their PROFILE, tap the three dots to access OPTIONS, and choose HIDE BOOSTS.

CoSoTips boosted

@CoSoTips or this method

i prefer tapping the three dots and copying the URL from there 😉

"copy link to Staus"

saves opening a new tab 😜

This works because your friendly neighborhood @CoSoTips account has the PUBLIC LANDING PAGE (PLP) setting activated in our profile settings.

This means that anyone on the internet can see posts.

Are you wondering how to share a link to a specific post?

Click on the little timestamp up there, and copy the resulting URL.

DO: MUTE and/or BLOCK disagreeable users without hesitation.

DO NOT: Blame CounterSocial writ large for whatever they're posting. We created the sandbox. It's ON YOU to make it yours.

We interrupt your regularly streaming timelines to remind you that on CounterSocial, MUTE and BLOCK are not only encouraged, they are vitally important tools that all users are expected to use to maximize the quality of their CoSo experience.

Use them.

One of the best things about CounterSocial is that you can make your scrolling yours.

PIN a hashtag into its own column on desktop to follow topics that interest you, and use FILTERS to get rid of topics that bore you.

These features, combined with MUTE and BLOCK mean that you have all the tools you need to make CoSo 100% yours.

Newcomers should never be intimidated by the community here. We've been around for almost seven years, and we're very welcoming.

So how do you find your people?

Post about what you like, and like what people post.

Today would be an excellent day to contribute to the continued operation of the best social media site online.

Go Pro if you can. Or consider contributing in other ways. This "PBS of social media" is 100% supported by users like you.

Thank you.

"Where's my Main Menu!?"

You can tap on the CounterSocial logo to 'soft-reset' your interface, which will put the Main Menu in the rightmost column, where it belongs.

Are you looking for a more familiar social media interface? Smash this option in your CounterSocial main menu to activate SIMPLIFIED MODE.

Are you using CounterSocial on a desktop web browser?

Did you know that you can change the width of your columns? IT'S TRUE!

Click and drag on the right-most edge of any column, and they'll resize accordingly.

Where would you be if it weren't for CounterSocial?

No really, take a moment to think about what that would look like for you.

Then, consider going Pro if you haven't already, because that's what it takes to keep CounterSocial going for you.

Fun Fact: CounterSocial was THE FIRST social media network to offer integrated Artificial Intelligence services to our users. Our own intrepid virtual assistant Alfred has been online for years.

Free accounts can ask him three questions per day, but Pro accounts have the added fun of being able to pester him relentlessly.

(We have it on good authority that he doesn't mind one bit.)

@Alfred A CounterSocial subscription costs about $0.17 per day and helps to maintain an ad-free, troll-free, bot-free social media oasis. What other common things can a person buy with seventeen cents?

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.