"Who the heck is Alfred!?"
@Alfred is our resident #AI. You can ask him pretty much anything and he will respond in near real time with an AI-generated answer. He's even capable of generating images!
To use Alfred, mention his name first in your post, followed by your prompt. Free accounts get three inquiries per day, and Pro accounts have no limits. #CoSoTips
TEMPORARY FILTERS are an excellent way to keep your sanity during particularly interesting times. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial has a unique culture that takes some getting used to. The biggest difference is that there are no algorithms of any kind.
What this means is that it is up to each individual user to curate their own social media experience here.
Put more bluntly, you are expected and encouraged to mute or block anyone that you find to be disagreeable. These acts are not contentious on CoSo. They are important tools that help you to make CounterSocial the best experience for you. #CoSoTips
"How do I know how many new people have joined us lately?"
That's easy because unlike the other socials, CounterSocial operates on transparency.
Visit https://netops.counter.social and click on USER METRICS. It's just one facet of the public metadata that you can explore at any time. #CoSoTips
Did you know that new people are joining CounterSocial all the time?
It's true!
Every now and then, there is a notable influx of new people—coincidentally happening whenever the other socials do something idiotic—who discover CoSo anew almost every hour of every day.
You can be a good CoSonaut by greeting these new users and pointing them towards your friendly #CoSoTips aggregator.
Trying to figure out which social media option is best for you?
Do yourself a favor and check out our pinned post about SOCIAL MEDIA DATA PRIVACY. The results might shock you. #CoSoTips
We like to talk about social media data transparency, because it doesn't exist anywhere but here. On CounterSocial, your data is yours. This extends to our metadata, which is collectively ours.
Want to nerd out on this data? Hit up https://netops.counter.social. #CoSoTips
Did you know that desktop CounterSocial users can create custom columns for specific hashtags? It's true!
You can keep a close eye on all of the #caturday shenanigans by tapping on that hashtag, then choosing "+PIN" in the column options.
Hit the "Include additional hashtags in this column" radio button for even more options. #CoSoTips
Desktop users of CounterSocial have many options when it comes to simplifying the interface:
1. Hop into your SETTINGS and enable OSTRICH MODE. This will hide the newsbar, sentiment meter, CoSoCom and other elements while retaining the multi-column layout.
2. Click on SIMPLIFIED MODE from the Main Menu. This will change your interface into a familiar, single-column layout.
Have you ever seen a .gif or other media that has you feeling some kind of way?
Tap on the little eye icon in the upper-left of any posted media to make it disappear.
You can make this behavior the default by choosing "Always Hide All Media" in your MEDIA DISPLAY settings. #CoSoTips
Using CounterSocial on a desktop?
Press the '?' key.
Using CounterSocial on a mobile device?
Swipe right.
Did you know that you have additional options for each CounterSocial column? It's true!
These options vary per column type. Here's an example of how you can adjust your MY FRIENDS column. #CoSoTips
This is a friendly reminder that blocking and muting disagreeable accounts is highly encouraged here.
Don't let anyone ruin your CounterSocial experience. It's much better for all involved to simply use the tools. #CoSoTips
"Has CounterSocial really been around for six years!?"
We officially launched on November 17th, 2017, but were up and running a few weeks before that.
Some of you might remember our teaser campaign, which began earlier that November. #CoSoTips #cosoversary
CounterSocial isn't some newfangled Twitter clone. Our service officially went live on November 17th, 2017—six years ago.
No matter when you joined us on this journey, we appreciate you more than we could ever convey.
Thanks for making us the incredible community that we've become. 💛 #CoSoTips
CounterSocial isn't some newfangled Twitter clone. Our service officially went live on November 17th, 2017—six years ago.
No matter when you joined us on this journey, we appreciate you more than we could ever convey.
Thanks for making us the incredible community that we've become. 💛 #CoSoTips
Did you see something that annoys you? You have a few options.
1. Call it out. This way, everyone feels annoyed just like you. (We really dislike this option.)
2. Mute/Block the poster. (This option is called, USE THE TOOLS.)
3. Let it scroll on by. (This is our favorite option, because it's what makes CounterSocial better for old and new users alike.) #CoSoTips
Did you see something that annoys you? You have a few options.
1. Call it out. This way, everyone feels annoyed just like you. (We really dislike this option.)
2. Mute/Block the poster. (This option is called, USE THE TOOLS.)
3. Let it scroll on by. (This is our favorite option, because it's what makes CounterSocial better for old and new users alike.) #CoSoTips
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.