We have it on good authority that the 20th is an excellent day of the month to make your $5 CoSoPro payment, making today an excellent day to consider going Pro.
That's just math. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial commemorates #Juneteenth, a day of profound historical significance and a celebration of freedom. You should take some time to learn more about this pivotal moment in the ongoing journey toward justice and equality in the United States.
Let's honor this day by reflecting on our history and committing to actions that promote equality and justice for all.
#Juneteenth #FreedomDay #BlackHistory #EqualityForAll #CoSoTips
We heard that the Surgeon General was advised to add a warning label to social media, and we couldn't agree more. #CoSoTips
Have you told someone cool about CounterSocial lately?
If not, or if it's been a while, maybe consider telling them again.
Social media everywhere else is not in a good place right now. Let them know that the good place is right here. #CoSoTips
A troll-free, bot-free, ad-free social media oasis that SERVES you and doesn't SELL you...
...if you can keep it.
Every other social media site stays online by exploiting YOU.
They sell your personal data. They listen to your conversations. They track your internet usage. They siphon up everything about you.
See our pinned post for more information about their own "Privacy Disclosures".
YOU are their product.
CounterSocial is different.
We stay online through generous donations and Pro subscriptions from you.
Help us keep the servers online.
Go Pro today. #CoSoTips
Fun Fact: If you mention CounterSocial on other socials, they'll actively prohibit your post.
But chances are pretty good that you can share this image without any issues. #CoSoTips
It's a little-known but completely true fact that people with CounterSocial Pro accounts smell better than those who do not have Pro accounts.
It isn't that the latter stink by any measure, it's just that the former smell so much sweeter. #CoSoTips
If you came here to be a bigot, then we don't even have time to tell you what's going to happen to you. #CoSoTips
Every other social media platform stays online by exploiting YOU.
CounterSocial is different. We stay online through the ongoing support of users like you.
Thank you! #CoSoTips
CounterSocial is unique, but then you already knew that.
What you should be asking yourself is, what makes it unique?
It's simple. Unlike *every other social media platform in the world*, CounterSocial has not sold out.
There are no ads. Your data is not for sale. We collect zero information about you, except for the email address you used to sign up for an account.
We can do this because we have a legion of Pro subscribers who pitch in to keep it that way.
Join them. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial's SANITIZER does such an effective job of scrubbing ALL metadata that it can sometimes affect how photos are displayed in the timeline because it also removes the ORIENTATION metatag from the pictures you've taken.
You can fix this by making a small edit to your photo (crop, resize, recolor, anything) and try uploading that.
CoSo veterans prevent this issue by taking thier pictures in landscape orientation in the first place. #CoSoTips
"What is ADMS, anyways!?"
That DIRECT MESSAGE (DM) is often great in the moment, but we think that there's usually very little reason for it to stick around.
That's why we added the:
If enabled, the ADMS Pro account feature will automagically delete any DM you send or recieve, keeping your DMs column nice and tidy. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial, the most well-moderated social media platform in existence, has been temporarily removed from Google's app store because—wait for it—they say that there isn't a way to REPORT objectionable content.
We're posting this information to encourage Google to tap on the three dots located on the bottom of EVERY post. It's right there. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial provides excellent resources for staying informed about current events.
It also provides helpful tools for avoiding them.
If you don't want to hear about Iran or Israel, you can set up TEMPORARY FILTERS to automatically hide those topics from your timelines. #CoSoTips
Did you know that you can HIDE BOOSTS from any CoSo user?
It's true! Click on their name to access their PROFILE, tap the three dots to access OPTIONS, and choose HIDE BOOSTS. #CoSoTips
Today would be an excellent day to contribute to the continued operation of the best social media site online.
Go Pro if you can. Or consider contributing in other ways. This "PBS of social media" is 100% supported by users like you.
Thank you. #CoSoTips
Are you looking for a more familiar social media interface? Smash this option in your CounterSocial main menu to activate SIMPLIFIED MODE. #CoSoTips
Where would you be if it weren't for CounterSocial?
No really, take a moment to think about what that would look like for you.
Then, consider going Pro if you haven't already, because that's what it takes to keep CounterSocial going for you. #CoSoTips
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.