Did you know that you have additional options for each CounterSocial column? It's true!
These options vary per column type. Here's an example of how you can adjust your MY FRIENDS column. #CoSoTips
"Has CounterSocial really been around for six years!?"
We officially launched on November 17th, 2017, but were up and running a few weeks before that.
Some of you might remember our teaser campaign, which began earlier that November. #CoSoTips #cosoversary
Did you see something that annoys you? You have a few options.
1. Call it out. This way, everyone feels annoyed just like you. (We really dislike this option.)
2. Mute/Block the poster. (This option is called, USE THE TOOLS.)
3. Let it scroll on by. (This is our favorite option, because it's what makes CounterSocial better for old and new users alike.) #CoSoTips
CounterSocial officially turns SIX YEARS OLD on November 17th.
No need to get us a gift. Instead, give yourself the gift of going Pro. It comes with a bunch of great features and is what keeps the servers running. #CoSoTips
Did you know? CounterSocial has what's known as "PreCog" mode.
It's very neurodivergent friendly. Trust us. We know. #CoSoTips
Did you know that CounterSocial is the ONLY social media site that is NOT trying to monetize everything about you? #CoSoTips
"How can I see a list of who follows me?"
Tap on your own name anywhere to view your own profile, then tap on FOLLOWERS.
Note: Anyone can see who follows you (and who you follow) unless you check the "Hide your network" option in your preferences. #CoSoTips
Did you know that Pro users can control post visibility? It's true!
This is helpful for all kinds of purposes, including limiting conversations specifically to those to whom they apply.
Want to include a broader audience of trusted CoSoNauts in your discussions than a mere post will allow? Check out CoSoGroups. #CoSoTips
We got real bored one day, so do you know what we did?
We grabbed the PRIVACY DISCLOSURES of every major social media site online, because we knew that it would PROVE that WE are the only ones looking out for YOU. #CoSoTips
Are you annoyed by that .gif that someone just posted?
Click on the little eye icon in the upper-left corner of the image, and presto. It's gone! #CoSoTips
Is that "Click here to open a Support Ticket" button annoying you? Hop into your settings and make it disappear! #CoSoTips
Longtime CounterSocial users know that there is always an uptick in trolls, bots, and abusive accounts every time Elon Musk does something stupid.
They're always dealt with promptly. #CoSoTips
Are you a data nerd? If so, then you'll love this geek-out worthy array of consolidated CounterSocial metrics. #CoSoTips
Q: How does CounterSocial pay its bills?
A: Through the generous contributions of our Pro subscribers. You aren't a resource to be exploited here. You're a contributor. #CoSoTips
"My #AlfredArt hashtag isn't updating. What gives?"
@Alfred is a popular guy, and that meant that his #AI-generated art was making the Community Firehose very difficult to use. To address this, a tweak was made to make his artful responses an UNLISTED reply to the requestor.
You can still see the entire collection of #AlfredArt by visiting the @Alfred profile and clicking on the "Media" button. #CoSoTips
Tired of hearing about Alfred? Add him to your FILTERS.
You can even specify FILTER EXPIRATION from 30 minutes to never. #CoSoTips
None of this is free.
Unlike the other socials, we do not sell YOU to pay for it.
Instead, we rely on our awesome Pro subscribers. If you haven't already, please consider chipping in. Can't subscribe? We've got you covered. Your contribution is appreciated in whatever form it takes. #CoSoTips
"This person seems ranty. What can I do about that?"
Tap on the POST OPTIONS icon (the three dots below the post), choose "Mute Conversation," and presto. You'll now be spared the pontificating positings of a proflific poster.
SOFT MUTE is another option if they post more frequently than you would like. To enable that, uncheck the radio button in the MUTE dialog. #CoSoTips
"If the other socials block or suppress CounterSocial, then how can I tell my people that I am here?"
They're really good at filtering words, but they don't do a great job of filtering pictures. Here's a few that might help. #CoSoTips
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.