There's one key difference between CounterSocial and the other socials, and with our recent influx of new users it's worth repeating.
BLOCK and MUTE are not punitive here.
What does that mean? It means that on CoSo, you are in complete control over your feed. If you find someone who is disagreeable, you are actively encouraged to make them disappear.
Why? Because people are like flavors. You aren't going to like them all, and they aren't all going to like you. #CoSoTips
@CoSoTips I've only ever had to block one person on this platform. I also use a lot of filters to filter out content that I don't care to engage with. ❤️
@CoSoTips Quite so.
There isn't an algorithm to curate our feeds for us. We get to do that for ourselves.
That means we have choice and control over what we see here. It's empowering. :)