For the 1st time on CoSo, I am asking for a boost - please ask PA peeps to vote.
Hey #Pennsylvania, there are three special elections on February 7th for the PA State House of Representatives. These races will determine control of the chamber, so it’s critical to win all three seats! Find your polling place here
Blackstone and other bulk buyers of mortgages are helping to destroy the middle class from within.
From 2020 to 2022, the average home price went up 30% to $524k.
20% down payment=$108k, so monthly mortgage=$2329.
Average monthly net salary in the US: $3,200.
Average student loan/mo = $393.
After student loan and mortgage, there's $478/mo left.
This is completely monstrous.
During the pandemic, from the first quarter of 2020 to the third quarter of 2022, post-tax corporate profits jumped 49.1 percent. That’s nearly three times the 16.8 percent increase in all workers’ incomes from wages, salaries, and benefits. #CoSoFinance
From Equality NC:
North Carolina’s own “Don’t Say Gay” bill, SB49 was filed yesterday and was taken up in the Senate Education Committee, where it passed on a party line vote yesterday. SB49 bans accurate curriculum on gender identity and sexuality in grades K-4 and subjects queer and trans students to forced outing. It is now headed to Senate Healthcare today.
Anyway, hello to another morning of lawmakers literally wanting to outlaw my existence, turn people with internal genitalia into chattel, molest children under the guise of making sure they have the correct stuff in their underwear, for protection from people just trying to exist.
My nightmares no longer compare to the horror of reality. It’s an open book test and we’re still failing the history exam.
50+ years later, Cass Elliott's introductory message still rings true
John Denver and Cass Elliott - Leaving on a Jet Plane (1972) #CoSoMusic
CounterSocial does not sell your personal data. In fact, CounterSocial doesn't even HAVE your personal data. You gave us an email address to establish your account, and that's it. Even Pro membership is handled by a secure third party.
You are not the product to be sold here, and your safety is our top priority. In a sea of social media options, that alone is exceedingly rare. #CoSoTips
Police in Wyoming, Ohio, were responding to the scene of a possible burglary when they SHOT Joe Frasure — who was reportedly only cleaning out a deceased family member’s home. Frasure is now brain dead and police have yet to release body cam of the encounter.
10 museums to visit during Black History Month that celebrate culture, history.
calls out a Republican election official who bragged about a major reduction of votes in Black and Hispanic areas of Milwaukee.
David then shows how we can fight back against voter suppression.
Click to Watch Video
I don't think anybody's as clear-eyed about systemic racism than @JuliusGoat. Important read:
We must keep our children safe from gun violence. Safe storage of guns saves lives and heartbreak — that’s why House Democrats acted to Protect Our Kids from guns in the home — and why Congress must overcome the gun lobby and get #EthansLaw done. -NP
A ticking time bomb, much of which could have been averted if only our governments had cared more for people's health than they do for the wealthy and and re-election.
currently processing grief over the passing of my mom, and the slow death rattle of America.
This will cause unprovoked snarky comments (finally, an excuse!)