@inconsequential Do you ship to New Zealand by any chance?
@DallasBarnett I never thought there would be a time when being a Peruvian or Italian citizen overseas would be less frustrating than being a USA citizen overseas.
Trump actually won.
Well worth the listening and viewing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1f2blKai7HA
I hear your pain. I have good news, depending on where you live: believe it or not, decaffeinated caffè tastes and smells just the same. My GP took me off caffeine because of my blood pressure and provided you can find the coffee you like in a decaffeinated version, you will be all right.
Not long from now the recording of our Former Pirimia Rt. Hon. Jacinda Ardern will become available on https://vimeo.com/nzparliament
I suggest we all grab that link and send it to every girl and young women in our whānau. That speech is for them.
@Serenity22 Thank you! :) This place looks awesome.
Thank you for the heads up about the Pirimia's farewell speech. I would have missed it without you.
@DallasBarnett Kia ora, Dallas! Awesome catching up here!
Tēnā koutou katoa.b. Tēnā koutou e aku rangatira.
Ki a tātou e tau nei, kia ora.b. Ki a tātou e tau nei, ka nui taku mihi.
Ko San Cristobal te maunga
Ko Rimac te awa
Nō Lima ahau
Ko Cordero tōku whānau
Ko Carlos tōku ingoa
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa.b. Nō reira e hoa mā, me mutu i konei.
Versatile. Unconventional. Classic with a twist. Genus: Panthera. 🇵🇪🇮🇹🇭🇷
I own a 1st Ed. hardcover copy of COSMOS. Feminist. He/Him/Él/Lui/On