@BrentSullivan congratulations!
@Pippy thanks for the boost! It’s a stance I take very seriously.
Beware of Copyright Infringement Link Insertion Scams.
This sort of scam is fiendishly clever because it preys on our fears of running afoul of the legal system, which can be expensive even if you’ve done nothing wrong, and provides a seemingly simple way of satisfying the complaint.
@nursefrombirth that is the same mistake made over and over again that allows people who could be joined together by support for Universal Human Rights to instead be divided and conquered.
What do Universal Human Rights look like? The UN addressed that in the wake of WWII .
@CinnamonGirlE try this on for your rainy day mix: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lDBagulyzWI&pp=ygUaeHRjIGJhbGxldCBmb3IgYSByYWlueSBkYXk%3D
Library Extension
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Need to download my local library app. They stream movies. There are lots of other activities/events etc to attend.
@Alfred say good night in a way only an AI chatbot could.
@CanisPundit Here's what I came up with for your prompt: 'please create a picture of the late. Great Hannibal Lector.' #AlfredArt
@Alfred please create a picture of the late. Great Hannibal Lector.
@Siren_six what happens with confirmation hearings is an early indicator of how fucked we are.
@AverageCitizen well sure, in America 1.0, but in 2.0; normal. This release is expected to be horribly buggy.
@Bix perhaps this will cheer you up. More your taste than mine in the Psychedelic/Garage Rock genre: C.Q. The Outsiders
Dig this: The strategic post-volcanic eruption application of gophers. https://www.iflscience.com/scientists-dropped-gophers-onto-mount-st-helens-for-1-day-40-years-later-the-effect-is-astonishing-76725
From the Guardian:
Oklahoma congressman Markwayne Mullin has previously accused Gaetz of sharing videos of girls he slept with on the House floor. He told CNN last year that Gaetz would “brag about how he would crush ED medicine and chase it with an energy drink so he could go all night”.
On CNN just now, he said, “I completely trust President Trump’s decision making on this one.”
#politics makes strange bedfellows.