Everyone on the pitch other than Suarez seems to have amazing teeth. Why soccer players teefs so much better than hockey players? It's practically the same game... #sarcasm
Oh that was dumb. #RedCard #CosoSoccer
They're not saying "Hamas", they're saying "James". #ProTip
Wow. Turning off MSNBC now. They seem in the tank to replace Biden. #assholes
And what kind of name is "Bernard O'Silva?" #NotVeryPortugese #sarcasm
I did think it cute that the Britisher play-by-play guy thought he needed to translate "cul-de-sac" for American audiences. #soccer
@Alfred Who are some famous NHL players that were 7th round draft picks?
You ever sit around replaying old exchanges in your head and wishing you had thought of the right thing to say at the time?
I remember when Tommy said the 2nd amendment says "congress shall pass NO law" and I blew the response. What I said, is "That can't mean that in a functional democracy." But what I should have said is "You mean to tell me there is NOTHING to keep me from passing out loaded handguns at local pre-schools?"
Pronouns: He/They