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Someone asked me to describe the Microsoft activision buyout in terms of Dragon Ball Z

And I used my entirely pointless encyclopedic knowledge of my favorite anime to oblige.

God damnit…..the enshitification of gaming continues forward.

This means that a massive catalogue of IP’s is now paywalled behind the Microsoft logo.

So they whined non-stop about censorship on Twitter

Billionaire buys twitter and turns it into a dumpster fire so conservatives have free reign

Why now do they need threads? Why are you invading another social media site?

You have twitter

Unless….is twitter shit or something?


Oh look….more fascism.

Now it’s “You can only sell stuff in your private business that we allow you to sell”

Again conservatives I need you to understand this


I would like to remind everyone upset about the Supreme Court rulings being batshit to remember that the batshit legal theories used to justify the rulings being batshit, means that they will be easy to roll back via new legal challenges.

For instance:

For the 303 decision, minority groups can be denied services under the 1st amendment stance of the content creator.

That means once we start figuring out what speech is protected and what groups can be denied

The original decision gets weak

Gay conservative Scott Pressler asking the Desantis war room how they feel about him.

I’ll give you a hint Scott

They’d throw you in a camp if they could get away with it.

I love this because it’s so dumb.

How on earth is this a violation of the constitution.

No where does it say the giver can’t ask a social media company to work on misinformation. And it especially doesn’t say these companies even have to humor a governments request.

Also in what world can you legally bind the governments free speech?

Fucking wild ass times we live in

I keep talking to Elon cultists who assure me Twitter is actually winning because Elon is just playing 4D chess and it’s all planned out to make his detractors look like idiots.

I’m told there’s no way he can’t just be an idiot who’s in over his head because no one that wealthy can be a dumbass.


A billionaire just got done turning himself and 5 other people into red goo because he thought he could outplay the laws of physics.

Rich doesn’t mean smart

Why are people this dumb?

Trans women have so much power they’re the literal fetish of all bigoted conservatives.

They don’t have healthcare in multiple states

Cant play on sports teams in multiple states

Cant even use a bathroom.

But yeah I guess persecution is power in bizzaro conservative world where magically you make yourself subservient to bigots in the hopes they’ll treat you like a human being.

News flash


Is this seriously where we at now?

RFK can lift weights and therefore is qualified to be president?

Jesus fucking Christ America….

Why did the NFT market collapse?

“Because we couldn’t find enough dumb people to overpay for uncreative JPEG images, and would you believe me if I told you that we couldn’t find a use for them aside from your profile pic on social media sites”

There, i translated it for you guys

How do you write this article and not think to yourself “Is woke just made up bullshit?”

It amazes me the lack of self awareness

Yeah see calling out the fact that you allowed cases to elevate to the Supreme Court under false pretenses isn’t criticism, it’s a fact.

And idk why the head justice doesn’t know what a dissenting opinion is supposed to do.

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Tyler does YouTube 🏳️‍🌈

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