Fox News' M.O. for the current election season: push every Trump rally, but have their finger on the cut button with the gibberish gets too thick.
I saw a series of interviews with his audience. Some of the ones still attending are paid to show. A whole lot treat this life a Grateful Dead tour. They load up in their RVs and travel to rally after rally. It's a social event for them. They meet up with others who do the same thing. They don't really care what he's saying.
Oh the rank and file Republicans will vote for him. They're still sheep at the end of the day. I'm just talking about the rally people.
@Agatha @JPSCHWEIZER63 @Bix They hurried over to Wawa after yesterday's rally.
@JPSCHWEIZER63 @Bix Sadly, the live audience wants that and sees no problem.
@JPSCHWEIZER63 @Bix it doesn't matter to the live audience in general. They are the type of people who don't think gravity is real because it's just a "theory" - simply put, they are too dumb to know any better.
They don't make that Dominion money for nuthin,' Bixishus.
@Bix Soon the commercials will be longer.
@Bix but the live audience hears the bullshit.