@AskTheDevil 🙌❤️
My friend liked the story! Was very surprised by the end. He read Beast & Man. Always nice when someone enjoys your work. #amwriting #coso
For those of you who want to read a horror story by me but not pay for it there is a free horror short story on my blog. https://damienkanerigden.com/blog/f/deepfake
In honor of spooky season I have to promote the horror story I wrote! It is a novella, so a quick read. Fast paced, mystery, with a worthwhile ending. Check it out! #halloween #horror #spooky #coso #amwriting
All Manner of Beast & Man https://a.co/d/i0LMi2w
A friend of mine bought one of my books yesterday and has been “live messaging” me as he reads it, haha. He seems to be enjoying it a lot! #amwriting #coso
@Lulz4l1f3 I’ve had symptom remission and arguably “complete mental health” for the past 8 years. I haven’t had a major manic or depressive episode in 15 years. It isn’t the same as it being cured. My moods and mental tendencies are still more pronounced than the average person. People’s minds adjust to meds like mine did and they need to be tweaked. I have a family and a house, I have been an engineer at the same company for 14 years. It’s mostly under control. But It never completely goes away
@Lulz4l1f3 haven’t drank alcohol for 6 years. Bipolar disorder is not caused by alcohol, nor can it be cured. I assume you are trying to be helpful, so I am not upset. But if you come across someone in real life who is dealing with mental illness, my friendly advice is to listen and validate. Don’t offer pseudoscientific solutions and minimize the situation. Is everything going ok for you in your life?
@Lulz4l1f3 not everyone with bipolar disorder is always experiencing an episode. There are people, like myself, who live normal lives that are only periodically interrupted. When I wrote this I was hoping to talk to someone who would understand me and where I am at in a way that most others wouldn’t. I ended up having a nice conversation with someone that made me feel a little less alone in this. It was nice. I hope you find some connection on here too today.
@SaltyVeruca thanks. Overall I am doing quite well. My life is great. Just some days I feel like it is precariously balanced. Mostly right now the med change just makes me feel different and I need to find my bearings again. Remember what it is like to be me. Then maybe start working on my art again. Thanks for the kind words. It was nice to be able to talk to someone about this. Wishing you well too. ❤️
@SaltyVeruca yeah I have a pretty good system for taking care of myself. Things could always be much worse. I am feeling a little thrown off though because I had felt like I had a little more control over my illness than I did. But like, no. This shit is real and does not mess around. I can react and adjust, but it is beyond my “control” you know?
@SaltyVeruca I had been pretty stable for like 8 years and recently had to increase a dosage on my meds due to instability. Feeling stable again but quite distant. I am on two antipsychotics as my biggest issue is my brain always trying to claw its way back to a manic state. Need some pretty powerful brakes.
@SaltyVeruca that’s a pretty big “just,” haha. Bipolar 2 is no joke either. How’s life?
@QueenOfEverything her mama was a show dog! ❤️❤️
Anyone else out in #coso world with bipolar type one? What is life like for you? #bipolar #mentalhealth
Ah, thank you for the inspiration.
@Bliss happy to be of service
The ad for my wild cryptographic thriller was published in the NH Gazette! Page 5
Artist, Author, Musician, Blogger, Engineer, Husband, Father. Looking for other creatives to connect with. Born: 🇬🇧 Live: 🇺🇸 — 🎺🎺