There's a bit of Ukrainian ancestry on my bio-dad's side. There's ALSO a claim to Saint Olga of Kyiv, 1st Queen of Kyivan Rus via my Mom (who's getting better). Pretty cool to know, if true!
I agree with this. Wish more people would follow this philosophy... rather than acting like they're already so perfect (holy, righteous, better than others, etc.), that they can be angry & criticial about others all the time without maybe reflecting that anger back at themselves & thinking about why they are so ready & easy to get angry at others.
Would be lovely to experience the comments section of a President Biden post like this on a social media site not completely inundated with trollbots.
🌊 Studier, Poet, Singer, Genealogist, 3D Printist, Celt/Norse/UA DNA, Loki Variant, Æsir, ESO High Elf Vampire, Kaos Sorceress, ASD, INTP, #NAFO 🇺🇦