My "roommate" just told me she will vote for DeSatan for president,, because he's banning "smut" being read by grade schoolers & CRT in schools (which she says teaches that everyone's always racist).
She is so up her own ass, I can't talk to her.
And she thinks Trudeau & Zelenskyy are dictators.
I don't know where she gets her "news," but I'm pretty sure it's from some RWNJ sources that are the very definition of FAKE that is made about actual critical news sources.
@MrsArtois I wish I could right now. Stuck in this living situation, unless I want ot live in my car, in S Dakota. What's frustrating is they act all cool & normal sometimes, & then I have to deal with that kind of crap! And yeah, she sees herself as blameless & it's all me. Ugh.