Well, my laptop decided to bite the bullet tonight. And I won't likely get my first paycheck from my new job for a few weeks, so it's going to be months or longer before I can get a new laptop. Yay. 🙄
Tried creating a funder on GoFundMe & got a weird error. Also including text of the funder that promoted the message somehow. Anyway, I'd like global community help in purchasing a laptop, if anyone is willing to help. TY $Astartiel Paypal.me/Astartiel
😳 Well, that sucking fux.
@IrisDallen It really does. This machine is a resurrected decade+ old laptop but with the SSD I added a few years ago, this isn't the way I expected it to go out, just randomly tonight.
Maybe a techie friend could revive it for you. Just a thought.
@IrisDallen I'm the techie I know
Shit. Damn. Fuck. 😖
@see_the_sus My sentiments exactly.
@Astartiel ^^^ #CosoMutualAid can you help?
@stueytheround Thanks
Yep, my computer is definitely FUBARed. That's just great…