I will never understand why bosses have to be assholes to their employees.
Unless of course, those bosses like the power trip for being an asshole to their employees, but I still don’t get that power trip.
I will also never understand why I seem to attract such attention from bosses. Maybe I just have too much of an independent mind, which the empirical corporation world doesn't like & tries to stamp out in their employees.
And now said boss, who doesn’t like me, asking questions, but just expects me to humbly do as I'm told, says I need to come in, because we need to have a conversation, which probably means she wants to fire me, because I won’t just quit. She'll probably use the excuse of my not being on time, even though I ALWAYS show up & have ONLY called in sick one time. But I also question stupid asnine shit. And I have no respect for authority simply for authority's sake. And how dare I do those things!
@see_the_sus I plan to, because this is bullshit. It feels like they were looking for something to accuse me of. And it did all start around the time I expressed wanting to use this job to save up to move elsewhere & transfer to another store. Seemed I should've never shared that dream.