Because I don't find the look attractive I have to ask, is there some sort of demographic that thinks the most attractive look on a woman is "melted Bratz doll?"
I mean, they ALL look like that, not just Ms. Loomer and Ms. Guilfoyle but ALL of them, and not one of them looked like that a few short years ago.
Am I the wierdo for finding this look repellant? (and I'd be okay with that, truth be told).
Immediately, their melted bloated face tells me there’s nothing of value in their heads.
@Animeraider No you're not alone by any means.
I just do not understand why anyone would do that to themselves, but they do. It's a whole look.
@Animeraider @Anouk
If you are... We're weirdos off the same ilk...
@Animeraider their look screams "we're fake and ugly like the maga movement" it's hilarious 😆
@Animeraider Actually would call it a melding of "blow up doll" meets melted Bratz doll. I think it's repellant, but don't think l'm the desired audience