Always makes me chuckle, the newspaper that announced a contest to save daylight during daylight savings time, and the national news outlets that didn't get the significance of the announcement being published on April 1.
As a contractor for the Federal Black Lung program, I want to remind everyone how beneficial the ACA is for coal miners. It introduced the the 15 year presumption rule that that says that a miner that worked in the mines for 15 years or more and has a repitory illness, that it can be presumed to be due to their work in the mines and not another reason such as smoking. This is important, because before the ACA, miners would have to prove their illness was due to mining and not smoking.
this is phenomenal. This American Life asked Sara Bareilles to imagine the unspoken thoughts of Barack Obama about the election. Leslie Odom Jr. sings the result. Powerful.
Good Halloween song
"Big Trouble"
Trout Fishing in America
#cosomusic #Halloween
"This afternoon, the monsters came to my house to play."
The Tell-Tale Heart
read by Sir Christopher Lee
Oldie but goody:
Tell your older relatives, don't share ANY information with people who call their phones.
Since all our SSNs are available to criminals, financial institutions are going to need other information to confirm who we are. Utility bill amounts/account numbers are a likely candidate, and the callers claiming to be offering solar energy installations lead by asking that.