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Happy Solstice to those who celebrate! (And really, who doesn't?)

Not sure what's going on in the background, away from the fissure. Maybe the lava flow hit something flammable?

Conde Nast has fired Andy Borowitz, whose column appeared in their on line editions.

Gee, I wonder who made that decision?

Cloudy where I live, which sucks because there's supposed to be high probability of auroras right now.

Philadelphia City Council has ten councilmembers from geographic districts and seven "at large" members who are elected by the entire city. Two of those seven seats are reserved for members of the minority party. And yes, those are the two third party "Working Families Party" candidates pulling ahead of the Republicans, with 98% of the votes from the Republican-majority district already counted.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court is a referendum on abortion rights, and some mighty red counties are swinging blue so far.

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