These are great tips provided you are in an area that is expected to only have 1-3ft of water. with high tide it will swell higher than 4ft. The average Kitchen counter height is 36 inches or 3ft, so to safeguard belongings it will have to be somplace higher that's anchored to the wall, because water will push furniture around.
If you're in a flood that high, yeah, you can't save anything you can't carry. But most people aren't living right on the side of the river, so they may be quite a few feet above flood stage to begin with. For them, it could make a difference.
Thats not how storm surges occur in Florida.
The image 👇 from the linked video lists the important factors that contribute to Florida's storm surge often going miles inland.
@InUnfunky #Milton is shifting southward nearer to Ft Meyers. This video documents and educates folks on what a 15ft storm surge was like for them in 2022, how it happened and the impact on land.
@JasonStiff this educational video might be interesting enough for your followers.
@JasonStiff @Bliss @InUnfunky
I'm thinking more of North Carolina, where being a couple hundred yards from a creek could mean you're at significantly higher elevation. In Florida, yeah, farther from the ocean is closer to the swamps.