Hello newcomers. Welcome to CoSo!
You can find the user guide under #gettingaround
Or #Cosotips
For for the people who have been here a few days, I have a question… do you have a favorite feature, yet?
Really looking forward to attending (online) The Festival of Literary Diversity this week! https://thefoldcanada.org/
don't worry about follower counts or follow backs or followers or boosts or what-have-you.
just hang out. make some friends. you'll find your people in time - and i bet you'll have a lot of fun doing it!
coso is about the connection. it's the vibe y'all are feeling here that's different. nourish the vibe.
“The exhibit, which is situated on the fifth level of the AGO, brings you into the world of home videos and family photography. There is a pop-art theme to the place, with walls painted in fluorescent colours and comic-like drawings surrounding some of the art.”
New folks.
(this is just my opinion)
When you move to a foreign country, that has a different culture, different habits, you try to blend in. You might try on a different language. Or try new foods.
But what you don't do is assume that the natives will accept your culture, and habits, and embrace your lifestyle.
CoSo has a culture. We have been living here for 5 years.
Please understand, I mean no disrespect, but if you expect your bird site behavior to fly here, you will just be ignored.
#CriticalTheoryMeetsMusic Foucault De Police
New eggs - betchya didn't know about this did ya >>>
I have found it unbelievably difficult to access affirming care in Ontario for someone I love. This life saving care has taken every effort and resource I have to find, and we have much more than most. We gotta do better. #protecttranskids
pinning #cosomusic was such a good idea
Mama, grad student at UofT, coauthor of some unbooks about business