Hello all. I am an aspiring writer documenting my mad daydreams which tend to be a blend of SciFi and fantasy to varying degrees. I've a couple shorter stories(10k or less) I work on when the madness takes hold, and a rough draft of a book (about 60K, ok small book) that needs work, but I'm getting there. Thinking of actually letting someone read my work, I've started building a bit of an internet presence since noone knows I write at all 🙂
@kenc313 I hate cooking in a messy kitchen. Also, unrelated, I love your bio :)
@LiberalLibrarian I haven't done any official research, but life so far shows me librarians > pretty much everyone :) I muted some stuff from the other site.
@janallmac totally unrelated, but small vicious animals are awesome :)
@janallmac absolutely. its a culmination of all the pressure and expectations hitting reality, which I know I felt entirely unprepared for. Sleep deprivation too. Talking about it is so important.
Don't spend a moment being annoyed by the presence of another account here.
Just block or mute it and move on! #CoSoTips
@janallmac so hard and made harder because we don't talk about it.
What's on my mind?
Postpartum depression.
I had it, but it was so weird, because I didn't know I had it when it was happening, but looking back now, it seems like how could I not know??
I got SO hypervigilant and paranoid. I was afraid to sleep, and I didn't think anyone else, could take care of my babies, not even my very loving and competent husband.
I wish I'd asked for help. But at the time, I couldn't!
Just sharing my experience, in hopes it never happens to anyone else. 🤷 💜
This is happening over on The Gram, but I like this community better, so....anyone wanna join me? #MayVinylChallenge #CoSoMusic
@RJHOCK2 thank you :)
@ExitiumMachina the best thing is reading that was learning about machetes in your profile :)
Mama, grad student at UofT, coauthor of some unbooks about business