@Spoonie_RayL democracy requires us to participate not to withdraw! To elect honest intelligent people! Not to sit back and watch it all crash and burn! To find things that we can agree upon not to sit and concentrate on what we hate about each other. Love is stronger then hate!
@Spoonie_RayL I can't disagree as the outcome of what happened in the aftermath and what followed. However I am talking about a moment in time. I am also saying I suppose, that we are being divided and attacked from within and as a country most people only see it as us vs them no compromise no understanding of how our democracy is on the brink of disaster. As bad as things are now, they will get worse. When government can raid a newspaper today, what will they do to us in the future?
22 years ago on 9-11 we as a country were attacked on our own soil. 22 years ago almost all Americans had witnessed the event. 22 years ago a president (who I did not believe in his policies) spoke over a megaphone and said this will not stand! At that moment for me and a lot of Americans got behind him and our country. 22 years ago we knew what was going on and stood as one nation! Today we are devided by a prick that used the power of the presidency to divide us. Used tribalism and apathy!
I was over my daughter's house the other night her phone had a weather alert for tornados in the area come on. I asked my son in law to put on a local station to see what the Rader and weather man was saying. My answer was we only have streaming. Thankfully nothing happened, but it made me think how the younger people in our country have isolated them self from everything! This is how fascism is taking root no one is paying attention! Tribalism is king in the world of apathy!
@JV3MJD I've also seen this on the last word. Professor Tribe confirmed it's vitality. So then why is he allowed to run? Wtf no one is doing a damage thing!
@JV3MJD Our country is so divided by criminal trump, that under any normal circumstance the thought of someone running for president would have been considered an insane joke!
I believe in science and common sense. I'm more of a middle of the road guy.