@66ALW99 I was posting an item in FB market place today, selected "Appliance" as the description and it then threw up a menu to choose which kind of juicer it was. This would not have been a problem if the item was actually a juicer. I got there eventually but, my patience was tested, for sure!
@MoreMeesThanMee I remember the days when technology was supposed to make our lives EASIER!
@MoreMeesThanMee I work in council community centres and recently made myself unpopular by highlighting how this paperless approach puts people at risk.
Membership info is all online, so we have no access to things like allergy info or child guardianship details if it all goes tits up. Same if the (few) people with full access to this info aren't about.
Lot of lip service to paperless, not enough thinking through imo
@66ALW99 That's a disaster waiting to happen.