Happy birthday CoSo!
7 years of great conversation with great people.
7 years of troll free ingestions.
7 years of daily "good morning's"
7 years of celebrating events
7 years of philosophy
7 years of security
7 years of being awesome
Congratulations @th3j35t3r
@0x56 Put it where I put mine.
I can’t find it. It’s around here somewhere, I’m certain. Definitely an effective hiding spot.
I get that Costco messed up.
And that people with milk allergies may have somehow not realized that butter is made from milk. But a blanket statement for everybody to toss that butter is just plain wasteful.
I haven't looked at the stats in ages, but I hear talk of another mass migration.
Just remember, other sites have fostered two bad habits.
1. Aggressive defensiveness. People usually aren't like this in person. Online shouldn't be different.
2. "Engagement" numbers. Who really cares how many people" "liked" "boosted" "viewed" or replied to something you said? CoSo is about quality conversation, not numbers. Would you go into a coffee shop and count how many people heard you?
@0x56 and Keisha gurrrl- get that STD test and hope he didn’t give you the booty flu.
To the guy in the whole foods parking lot blaring his phone conversation at an extremely high volume with the windows open....
When your conversation partner says "ya gotta keep this a secret" you should probably turn down the volume.
Oh, And Keisha, if you're out there, your boy just had a baby with another woman.